Monday, June 15, 2009

Morning - Day 1

Today was the first class of the summer session! Interest this summer is up again, so we have both morning and afternoon classes. This morning class was excited as they met each other and learned about each other and their summer plans. We then moved on to create our own versions of Jeopardy with specialized categories and questions. On Wednesday we will be playing some of their Jeopardy games to get to know each other better. We took a small break to play Typer Shark and hone our typing abilities. Plus, Chris baked fresh brownies this morning for everyone to enjoy as a snack!


Ricky Ceppi said...

Today we did a ton of stuff for a first day. I liked the Jeopardy, but I think the Typersharks was kind of pointless since we were all looking at the keyboard anyway. Fun first class.

Joselyn said...

i had so much fun i lykd the brownies wer good yay! im so happy!this is life changing experience!

Mario said...

The class was fun and especially when chris gave us the brownies! Then the jepoardy was pretty cool!

Martin said...

I liked png for the first day here.I didn't like what we did because it was to long but it was fun anyways.I hope we do something different and fun like this.

matthew said...

I had fun Today.WE did a jeopardy board and had a brownie. i didn't like the typer shark. I hope we do stuff on videos

Dante said...

The brownies were awesome. I've done the jeopardy project before but it was still fun to do it.

sam lepore said...

I liked the project we did today it was very fun.I'm looking forward to doing the other projects.

Daniel Kalski said...

Hi,Im Daniel,
Today on the first day,we were making our jeopardy and the blogs.For our jeopardy,we can make our own Q/A on our own.We also played typing shark on the internet.The fun part about it is the food we bring.I hope that we can do animation,video's for youtube,and that we can do easy games.It was way better then in my school classes.
Hope we can enjoy more.{-_-}!!!

german said...

I liked the power point because it was fun to make a Jeopardy board. Also Typer shark was OK. I liked the first PNG class and I'm glad I joined.

michael said...

I liked the whole class entirely .I liked the brownies.I liked the teacher involvement.

Connor said...


Matt said...

Today we started our Jeopardy Projects. I even finished mine! We also played Typershark and had Brownies. Mmmmm Brownies.

arjon said...

its so boring.go browines

Maddie said...

Hey, im not morning, Im afternoon class. But they made me type her. I liked this class a lot. We played Jepordy or hpwever you spell it. I won!!! Out of lo people. I wish to come here again with the awesome teacher. Rosa

Nicole said...

i liked everything about this class. it was fun and i like our mentors for this class. it was geart. it was life changing and i can't wait till the next class.

Michael said...

PNG was fun today. We made Jeopardy games, which was fun. We also played Typersharks which was okay, but a bit boring because most of us are already fast typers. Overall, still quite fun.

Dominique said...

Dominique said that the class was alsome and we played Jerpardy. Which was a lot of fun it was a blasted and i can't for next week.