Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday, July 13th --- Moviemaking Magic

Today we opened up class by introducing the website Sporcle. It tests you on your knowledge about a wide variety of subjects. We took the test to name as many U.S. Presidents and 36/44 was the most we were able to name. Then we took our movies and edited them in Ulead. We added sound and were able to upload finished projects to Youtube.


german said...

it was fun i cant wait to post it on youtube. its going to be a great video

Ricky said...

The sound editing was harder than we thought. Lets just hope the video turns out ok.

matt said...

Editng fun hard and cool

martin said...

it was hard today.i hope its going to be good on youtube

sam said...

this is so fun cant wait till its done. best day so far

christian said...

we put a movie on youtube

Alyssa said...

Recording the sound and voices for the movie was confusing at first. But once we figured out how to do it, it was easy. Even though, our movie is going to be really wierd because of some group members.

dante said...

blah blah blah blah the movie turned out better then i expected

louie said...

to day it was kind of boring in the begning .but i like the move sript

dominique said...

today it was fun we were going to do the movie but so of the people weren't here so instead we made a web page which was fun.

Matt H said...

Today was fun. We made our own websites. We also played on sporcle. It was a blast

Maddie said...

I made a web page, now i know how to do it. :) im sorta glad we didnt have to make movies....