Monday, August 12, 2013

Candy Anarchy

Today was the last day of PNG.  Usually, on the last day we'll order some pizzas, hang out and play video games and just have a good time.

Unfortunately, the last day of class was originally scheduled for August 14th, which would be the day after school starts!  The kids are going to be a little busy on Wednesday so we had the last day of class today.

But that means no pizza!  And work!  They had videos to finish editing.  To make up for it, I turned a huge bag of candy upside down on the table and watched these sugared up film splicers go nuts.

Judge the results for yourself:


Chris said...

Last day of png :( Hope to be back next session!!

Matias :3 said...

i had a LOT of fun in this class. may sign up again!bye!!! :3

Nick said...

Chem Trails

Christian said...

I got a bag of jolly ranchers! :)