Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Session Begins - Week 1

Project Next Generation is up and running again!  They say absence makes the heart grow fonder and that was definitely true for two of our students who are taking PNG again for the first time.  We've redone everything about PNG from the lessons we teach to the actual layout of the classroom.


We started off slow for our first couple of classes this week, going through the basics of Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Office.  We don't want to shock our students too much, because soon they will be up to their elbows in digital photos, movies and music!

 On Monday, we started out making posters to help us find our lost "pets".  Wednesday we made Wanted posters and tried our hand at Photoshop.


MEYLANY said...


Kevin said...

Its been really fun so far.In Microsoft word,we made crazy lost pet posters.We also made Wanted posters for ourselves.We learned things like how to crop pictures,use powerpoint,and more.It was really exciting to make these things.

Derp said...

today was cool, cant wait for the next classes. Don't like the typing exercises though, reminds me of school. blargh

someone named Corey said...

its pretty cool so far i learned lots of new things in Microsoft word including how to crop pictures and how to snap two windows so yeah i'm looking foreword to future classes.

christian said...

In PNG we have learned valuable computer skills and shortcuts.The first day we made missing poster.And the next day we made wanted posters.We also made a power point

Abdo said...

Png makes me laugh. Brian says that there's no fun in PNG when he even says that this is going to be a lot of fun. The best part is making posters.

anonychris said...

well, we've olny been here for 2 days and we're already starting on our third project. i can tell that im going to have a great time here. niblonians rule and see ya!