The masterpiece has been shot. The film is in the can. Now it's time for our prodigious mini-Spielbergs to craft the footage they shot into an actual movie, like a sculptor removing excess clay.
This year we are using Mixcraft 5 to edit our movies, which is a bit unorthodox, but using this software to edit our movies will give the students plenty of practice for when we switch over to creating our musical masterpieces in the next unit.
Everyone is putting together their own movie at this point, but we'll post the Mentor edit here soon.
Today was long but still fun.We edited our footage from our ghostbusters remake.I learned how hard and long it is to simply edit a scene thats only a minute and a half long!
today we edited the audio and video.It was hard but fun to learn this.
this week we are starting to edit the ghostbusters scene and put it all together and on the last day we are going to watch the movie
I'm almost done edititititititing and it looks great!...ish. Can't wait for the next project.
Well so far we're editing the footage and i have to say it's going good. The audio on the other hand, that might be a different story. otherwise it's again going smooth Mixcraft is easy to use and the editing should be done by Monday.
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