Wednesday, July 27, 2011

PNG Week 6 - Musicology

This week the crew swsitched gears from video to audio.  Our students tried their hands at song-smithing using Mixcraft 5.  The results were... mixed.

Some students took to making songs like fish take to water.  Others took to making songs like fish take to sushi.  Fortunately we kinda saw that coming so we introduced our less musically inclined students to Mixcraft's Loop Library.  Simply drag and drop some samples together and you have an instant song!

Here's an example of a work in progress from one of our more industrious students.


christian said...

Today we made our own songs.I tried to make Nyan cat but all it says is nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan , but its catchy.

Abdo said...

Today we made our own songs I tried doing Lemonade Mouth Livin on a Highwire and Brian randomly helped

Industrious Student said...

I'm very proud of my song and can't wait to finish it. umm..... finished?

meylany said...

this class is fun but theres only projects 4 boys i would like 2 have more projects 4 girls 2 also i would kind of like 2 stop having favoritism

anonychris said...

well, I just got back from my vacation and was thrown into the next unit. at first it was kinda complex but when the guys and some friends showed me how to mix it was way eaiser.