Thursday, March 29, 2018

LED Origami Frogs - Day 2 (MidKids)

We wrapped up our LED frogs today after struggling a bit with our batteries. The positioning got a bit finicky at times, but we tinkered with our frogs and got them to light up! Some of us didn't get it to stay on, unfortunately. We all learned about currents, LEDs, and oragami though...and we have cool flipping frogs to prove it!


Maryum said...

Today was cool! We lighted up our origami frogs with LED lights. We had to start the frog all over because we had to put the LED lights there but we folded it again. They turned out pretty good but they jumped less because they had more weight on them.

Eliana Abellera said...

Today was SO HARD and FUN!!!!! Our papers ripped, the LED eyes and foil were hard to work with, and the frogs lit up and flipped!!!!! I accidentally broke two LED eyes and had to do it again and again so many TIMES!!!!! The teacher was funny and helped us a lot!!!! I'm gonna miss making LED origami frogs, but at least I got to learn how to make it!!!!! :) :) :)

Maria said...

Today we put in our leds in our origami frogs.I liked it todya because even though my leds didnt light up it was still fun to try making it.