Thursday, April 5, 2018

Robot Club

It was back to the drawing board today... We tried to fix our robot, who seemingly forgot how to be a robot. After figuring out how to re-download the default code on the robot and joystick, we're back on track! We'll keep exploring the robot and ROBOTC in two weeks!


Bara said...

Today We first tried to reset the code on the cortex.

Next session we want to try and compile and download code to the cortex and the controller.

What we found out that when we tried to connect the vex to the computer it would not appear as connected. So that is what we will work on next session.

Rana said...

What We did Today: Today, we tried to make the robot move swiftly, in a natural. pace.

How We Did It: We used a software that had coding, so that we can configure that data into the robot.

What Should We Do Next: I think we should perhaps try again, and attempt to work in the settings next time. Or, also make the robot do tricks and flips, so that the robot would be a programmed gymnast :D